Sunday, February 10, 2008

Can't Win

My sister and I signed up to be volunteers in our church nursery, an obligation that only comes around about once every six weeks. This past week, it was our turn, but she was smart enough to pile her family into her car and go to an indoor water park to escape our sub-zero temperatures.
So, I enlisted my husband's help. You know, the agnostic, does not like to shower on the weekends husband.
He was thrilled.
But he is a good man and agreed, so we piled in our car in the sub-zero temperatures and made our way to church when he said, "I hope that there is not like 25 kids."
The reality of the situation was there was only one kid besides our daughter when he said, "Wow. I am so glad that we made the trip to help" in a voice that gave sarcasm a run for its money.

In addition, when it came time to clean up the toys, we had quite a job to do. He got really into the oversized blocks during that short hour.

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