Friday, June 6, 2008

Big Mouth

I am talking about mine. Even though most of the words that come out of my mouth in conversation are as empty as the nutritional value of a Ho-Ho, I have said some things aloud that seem to jinx the entire world.

I don't believe in a judgemental God, but I do think there is some sort of ass-kicking universal power that just wants me to shut up.
Some examples?

Once I complained to a friend that Americans tended to focus on petty things (like iphones and waiting in line) because our lives were not threatened every day like the citizens of most other countries. A few days later...9-11.

My husband and I once decided that the only way that Americans would realize their co-dependence on mindless consumption of well, most things, was if gas were to reach $5.00 per gallon. Now we are just about there.

In the same conversation with the above husband, we determined that the only way Americans would notice that we were at war in the Middle East instead of thinking of it as the words, words, words between news reports on which celebrity gave birth and who got kicked off of American Idol, was if a draft were instated.
Now John McCain might be our next president.

Uh. Oops.

(Sometimes good things come from my off-the-cuff when I was talking to myself the other day about how no one, sigh, seems to comment, sigh, on my blog. Now look! 5 comments on my last post! An Everythingness record! Thanks...)

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